Previous editions

In 2014 the NBC was developed by SustainableMotion, commissioned by the Dutch government, to get young talent involved in international business and to help companies to invest in Ghana-

Edition 2021

The eight edition of the NBC was organized in the summer of 2021 and in the late spring of 2022. Due the  Covid-19 circumstances we introduced a new concept with a Summer School and Expedition Trips. The Summer School took place simultaneously in Ghana and The Netherlands with 24 participants from 23 – 27 August 2021. The Summer School was all about learning in an interactive way about the business relationship between The Netherlands and Ghana, the existing policy programs and how business is being done between the two countries. After postponing the Expedition Trips twice due to the Covid measures, the Expedition Trip to The Netherlands and Ghana take place in May and June 2022. 8 Dutch and 8 Ghanaian participants join the Expedition Trips. Both Expedition Trip are all about exploring and innovating. Participants will go on physical company visits and meet companies that are doing business in The Netherlands and Ghana. Participants will explore the business opportunities and brainstorm in intercultural teams about innovative business solutions and present them at the Dutch Embassy in Accra.

The seventh edition of the NBC was organized in the summer of 2020. It was a different edition compared to the previous six editions due to Covid-19 circumstances. The New Business Challenge was organized virtually for the first time, launching the Virtual Business Challenge. 48 Dutch and Ghanaian alumni of previous editions worked online in mixed teams and generated ideas for Covid-19 related business opportunities for 2 entrepreneurs in Ghana: Health Direct Global and Vonvic. The teams came up with solutions which the entrepreneurs could use right away. Victorine Vondee from Vonvic ‘’The teams came up with so many elements to work with. This encouraged me to look more into possible partners for collaboration’’. And Kelvin Ashie, Founder of Health Direct Global “It’s a great initiative because it provided us with a unique outside perspective. It was an alternative channel for us through which we received many ideas and the majority of the ideas were very useful”. More on the outcomes of the 2020 edition can be read at the news section.

Edition 2020

Edition 2019

The sixth edition of the NBC was organized in the summer of 2019. 20 Dutch and 20 Ghanaian students worked in mixed teams on the business cases of Allianz, Closing The Loop, Farmerline, Solidaridad and Tempohousing.  The teams worked online and went on a study trip of 10 days to The Netherlands in July and on a study trip to Ghana in August. All teams presented their solutions at the Dutch Embassy in Accra to an independent jury of experts. One of the Solidaridad teams won this edition with a the solution of an income diversification scheme for smallholder farmers with activities such as soap making, poultry raising, snail farming and beekeeping. This allows farmers to earn a sufficient living income and allows the farmers to unite in a village savings and loans group. More on the final of 2019 can be read here. This was already the sixth edition of the New Business Challenge and in 2020 there will be a seventh!

The fifth edition of the NBC was organized in the summer of 2018. 20 Dutch and 20 Ghanaian students worked in mixed teams on the business cases of Delphy, Friss, Jolinaiko, MDF West Africa en Van den Bosch.  The teams worked online and went on a study trip of 10 days to The Netherlands in July and on a study trip to Ghana in August. All teams presented their solutions at the Dutch Embassy in Accra to an independent jury of experts. One of the Jolinaiko teams won this edition with a very feasible, innovative and realistic eco solution that helps reducing the environmental footprint of Jolinaiko Eco Tours. More on the final of 2018 can be read here. This was already the fifth edition of the New Business Challenge and in 2019 there will be a sixth!

Edition 2018

Edition 2017

The fourth edition of the NBC was organized in the summer of 2017. 20 Dutch and 20 Ghanaian students worked in mixed teams on the business cases of Cargill, People’s Pension Trust, Closing The Loop, Nile Dutch and Delft Imaging Systems. The teams worked online and went on a study trip of 10 days to The Netherlands in July and on a study trip to Ghana in August. All teams presented their solutions at the Dutch Embassy in Accra t an independent jury of experts. One of the Cargill teams won this edition by presenting their twofold idea. It concerned the development of a GPS based application interface that can be displayed on mobile devices. This modern technology fits the company’s USP and will create enhanced visibility of the planning and execution of LBC’s operations. Alternatively, they seek to increase the volume of cocoa in the mid and long-term so as to simultaneously improve farmer’s livelihoods and Cargill’s revenues. More on the final of 2017 can be read here. This was already the fourth edition of the New Business Challenge and all the editions had a great impact on both the participating companies and students. Read everything on how it impacts them.

The third edition of the NBC was organized in the summer of 2016. 20 Dutch and 20 Ghanaian students worked in mixed teams on the business cases of Tony’s Chocolonely/WAKAWAKA, Koudijs Animal Nutrition, Maxim Nyansa IT Solutions, Safi Sana and Landmapp. The teams worked online and went on a study trip of 10 days to The Netherlands in July and on a study trip to Ghana in August. All teams presented their solutions at the Dutch Embassy in Accra to the Dutch Ambassador and an independent jury of experts. The Safi Sana team ETS (Education Through Sanitation) won this edition, by presenting their idea to stimulate toilet use. The nine solutions of the other teams were well received by the participating companies and have increased their business. Several participants continue to work on the solution with the company and several did an internship. The community is still active and vibrant and the participants meet see each other at network events and workshops. A short description of all solutions can be read in the news item Final 2016.

Edition 2016